What is a salary sacrifice?

A salary sacrifice scheme lets employees swap cash salary for non-cash benefits, saving tax and National Insurance. But earnings must not fall below the National Minimum Wage, and life events may impact eligibility. Learn how to navigate these rules. If an employee...

Payrolling employee benefits

Employers can voluntarily register to report and account for tax on certain benefits and expenses via the RTI system before the start of the tax year. This process, known as payrolling, eliminates the need to submit P11D forms for the selected benefits at the end of...

Tax-exempt employee loans

Beneficial loans, where employees benefit from cheap or interest-free loans from their employer, can trigger tax implications. However, certain exemptions, like loans under £10,000 or qualifying loans, eliminate the need for employers to report or pay tax on...

Using the car fuel rates

Advisory fuel rates for company cars help employers and employees manage fuel costs without triggering tax liabilities. Learn how to use these rates to avoid tax, especially car fuel benefit charges. HMRC's fuel rates also known as advisory fuel rates are...