Beneficial loans that are exempt

An employee can obtain a benefit when provided with an employment-related cheap or interest-free loan. The benefit is the difference between the interest the employee pays, if any, and the commercial rate the employee would have to pay on a loan obtained elsewhere....

Tax codes for employees

The P9X form is used to notify employers of the tax codes to use for employees. The latest version of the form has been published and shows the tax codes to use from 6 April 2023. The form states that the basic personal allowance for the tax year starting 6...

PAYE and overseas employees

There are a multitude of rules and regulations that you must be aware of when you employ someone from abroad who is coming to work in the UK. HMRC’s guidance (entitled New employee coming to work from abroad) sets out some important issues to be aware of when...

Redundancy pay

If you have been in the same job for two or more years and are made redundant you will usually be entitled to redundancy pay. The legal minimum that you are entitled to receive is known as ‘statutory redundancy pay’. There are exceptions where you are not...