Do you trade with EU companies?

Do you trade with EU companies?

The new Chancellor, Sajid Javid, has stepped up plans to help ensure businesses are ready to trade post-Brexit if the UK leaves the EU without a deal. If you trade goods with the EU then you will be responsible for making customs declarations, as is the case for...
Clients exporting to EU if a no-deal Brexit

Clients exporting to EU if a no-deal Brexit

If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, any UK business that exports goods to the EU will be responsible for making customs declarations (as is the case for businesses currently exporting goods outside the EU). If you have clients that trade with the EU, you should...
Visiting EU after 31 October 2019

Visiting EU after 31 October 2019

Although we have a new Prime Minister, it would seem that so far nothing has changed to bring us any closer to a Brexit resolution. In fact, it appears that a no-deal Brexit is becoming more likely as we approach the 31 October deadline. HMRC has published...