by admin | Feb 5, 2020 | National Insurance |
The Chancellor, Sajid Javid, has confirmed that a Conservative manifesto promise to increase the National Insurance contributions (NIC) thresholds to £9,500 will apply from April 2020. The increase, by more than 10% over the current year’s figure of...
by admin | Dec 11, 2019 | National Insurance |
National Insurance credits can help qualifying applicants to fill gaps in their National Insurance record. This can assist taxpayers to build up the amount of qualifying years of National Insurance contributions and thus increase the amount of benefits a person...
by admin | Oct 2, 2019 | National Insurance |
National Insurance credits can help qualifying applicants to fill gaps in their National Insurance record. This can assist taxpayers to build the amount of qualifying years of National Insurance contributions, which can increase the amount of benefits a person is...
by admin | Sep 25, 2019 | National Insurance |
If you have reached the State Pension age and continue to work in most cases, you no longer need to pay National Insurance Contributions (NICs). At State Pension age, the requirement to pay Class 1 and Class 2 NICs ceases. However, you will remain liable to pay...
by admin | Aug 20, 2019 | National Insurance |
If you move abroad, it can often be advantageous to continue paying your UK National Insurance Contributions (NICs) in order to preserve your entitlement to the UK State Pension and other benefits. If you are working in the European Economic Area (EEA), the rules...
by admin | Aug 14, 2019 | National Insurance |
Class 1A NICs are paid by employers in respect of most benefits in kind provided to employees, for example, the use of a company car. There are no Class 1A employee contributions payable. Class 1A NICs are due in respect of most benefits provided to:...
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