Applying for National Insurance number

If you do not already have a National Insurance number you will normally need to apply for one if you are planning to work in the UK, claim benefits, apply for a student loan or pay Class 3 voluntary National Insurance contributions. It can take up to 4 weeks for a...

Class 1A payment deadline

Class 1A NICs are paid by employers in respect of most benefits in kind provided to employees such as a company car. There is no employee contribution payable. If you provided taxable benefits to staff or directors your business is likely to have a Class 1A...

NIC relief if employing veterans

A new National Insurance Contributions (NICs) holiday for employers who hire former members of Her Majesty (HM) armed forces came into force on 6 April 2021. This allows employers to apply a zero-rate of secondary Class 1 Employer NICs on the earnings of veterans...

Self-employed NIC changes

In the recent Spring Statement, a significant increase in the National Insurance Threshold from £9,880 to £12,570 was announced. This increase will see the alignment of the Primary Threshold (PT) for Class 1 NICs and Lower Profits Limit (LPL) for Class 4...