Many families will be organising UK holidays this year and so passports may be left in draws for 2021.

But when the market for overseas holidays opens up, better check that your passports still meet that important “6 months before they expire” condition if you don’t want to be turned back when you check in for your flight.

If travelling to the EU, you need to have at least 6 months left on an adult or child passport (not including Ireland).

Currently, charges to renew will vary depending on the way you apply. Unsurprisingly, applying online is cheaper than filling out a form.

Current charges are:

How you apply Online By paper form
Adult (16 and over) standard 34-page passport £75.50 £85
Adult (16 and over) 50-page frequent traveller passport £85.50 £95
Child (under 16) standard 34-page passport £49 £58.50
Child (under 16) 50-page frequent traveller passport £59 £68.50
Passport for people born on or before 2 September 1929 Free Free

You’ll pay a different fee if you apply for a passport from another country.